Gardens of the Downs
Garden of
Ashley & Marie McEwan
10 Bogong Court - CABARLAH
Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd November
9.00am - 4.00pm
$10.00 per person - CASH ONLY
The garden “Lochroy” at Cabarlah north of Toowoomba will open to raise funds for The Toowoomba Hospital Foundations Mental Health Department.
The north facing garden is very new (mostly under 6 years) and is certainly a work in progress with areas still being planted. Lochroy is 2.5 acres close to the escarpment and is largely not wheelchair or disabled accessible.
Comprising mainly exotic formal and informal perennial gardens with an interesting natural rockery planted to various conifers and maples. All designed to be a great play area for the grandchildren.
Amazingly in this area of rich red volcanic soil where they do receive some light frosts Ashley is growing sub-tropical bananas, mangoes and pawpaws next to various cool climate deciduous trees, conifers and perennials.
As an owner of The Springs Home and Garden he is a passionate plant collector and many plants are trialled in this garden.
Food, coffee and drinks will be available along with many of the plants on display.